Czółenka płaskie
( number of products: 610 )Czółenka to zdecydowanie jedne z najpopularniejszych modeli damskiego obuwia. Występują one w wielu różnych fasonach i modelach, od czółenek płaskich aż po te na wysokiej szpilce. Zazwyczaj noszone są do eleganckich stylizacji, ale świetnie sprawdzą się także na co dzień, na przykład jako uzupełnienie stroju na spotkanie zawodowe czy wyjście z przyjaciółmi. Różnorodność modeli sprawia, że czółenka damskie znajdą się w każdej kobiecej szafie, choć zapewne przyjmą różną postać.
Czółenka damskie płaskie to niekoniecznie takie, które nie mają żadnych obcasów. Zazwyczaj wyróżniają się one niskim, dość płaskim obcasem, który nieco podwyższa sylwetkę, a jednocześnie nadaje jej smukłości i wyrabia lepszą postawę. Jednocześnie taki obcas jest niezwykle wygodny, dlatego warto się na niego zdecydować, jeśli na nogach spędza się praktycznie cały dzień. Takie czółenka damskie są niezwykle eleganckie, nie tracą swojego uroku, a niski obcas dodaje im praktyczności oraz komfortu podczas chodzenia.
W naszym sklepie znaleźć można czółenka damskie wykonane z różnych materiałów, zamszu czy skóry naturalnej.

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

Women's low-heeled pumps timeless elegance and comfort 220 ElitaBut

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Comfortable Women's Shoes Pumps with Decorative Heel Natural Suede Leather 219 From ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut

Women's Pumps with Crystals Flat Natural Leather 216 ElitaBut